Meet TCC Chairman Asgardia Parliament John Fine

an interactive website so you can get to know the man inside the man and see his progression within Asgardia Parliament as it happens.

Hello Asgardians and
Welcome to my Website!

An Introduction
Currently, besides playing an active role as the Chairman within the Trade and Commerce committee of Asgardia Parliament, I am a US Contractor, retired Military, and founder/CEO of the Risen Son Christian Center.  In these roles, I lead in communication and information, coordination, management, and team guidance.  My vision for Asgardia is a holistic approach to sustainable development that will enhance community, wellbeing, and unity.  My experience and training as a soldier, supervisory positions in the automotive industry, as well as my work in the transportation and education fields, enhanced my management, computer, media, records keeping, planning, coordinating, and team building skills.  This background works well within the TCC and Communication and Information committees, which are my current positions within committee work.  (see a more detailed intro on my bio page)  My sincere thanks to all and I look forward to working with all Asgardians.  Please remain respectful on my site or you will be asked to leave, this site is for serious Asgardians who want to get something done and keep up to date with my progress.  Thank You  

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